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Applied Modelling and Policy Conference

Symposium Agenda

2nd July 2021




Symposium organizers


School of Business, Hubei University


For all inquiries on session arrangement, please contact

Dr Shixiong Cheng, Hubei University

Email: csxcsx007@hubu.edu.cn

Mobile/WeChat: +8618696193388

Keynote Speeches

Professor Paresh Kumar Narayan is Professor and Consultant at the Monash Business School (Monash University). He is also President of the Asia-Pacific Applied Economics Association, Editor-in-Chief of Emerging Markets Finance & Trade, Managing Editor of Bulletin of Monetary Economics & Banking, and a former (2015-2019) co-Editor-in-Chief of Economic Modelling. His research interests are in applied econometrics and financial markets. Professor Narayan is amongst the top-90 researchers globally from business schools whose work is most cited in 2017, 2018, 2019 & 2020: He holds the distinguished title of a high cite researcher—part of a group of only 2 such researchers in Australia. The Australian newspaper (September 2019) has named him among the top-40 stars of research across all academic disciplines in Australia and research leader of the International Business field. Google Scholar counts the citation of Professor Narayan’s work at over 26,800, with an h-index=85.

Speech Title: COVID-19 Research Outcomes: An Agenda for Future Research

Speech abstract: This paper undertakes a survey of the COVID-19 pandemic literature. I find that stock market performance, COVID-19 policies, and energy markets are most researched. I reason that this is because of availability of relatively high-frequency time-series data supported by appropriate econometric tools. I discuss a range of socioeconomic- and finance-related subjects of significant policy importance. In so doing, I identify specific and broad areas in need of immediate research. These future research topics have strong policy importance.





Professor Clevo Wilson is an applied economist specialising in agricultural, environmental, transport, education, tourism, ecological, energy (renewables), and development economics with a special interest in using environmental valuation techniques, both revealed and stated. My research interests also focus on supply chain value analysis, efficiency and productivity analysis and structural equation modelling. He has also undertaken research and published papers relating to information disclosure, issues relating to market failures, regulation and policy decision-making. He is the Editor-in-Chief of Economic Analysis and Policy (Elsevier Journal) with an impact factor of 1.97.

Speech Title: EAP as an outlet for quality academic papers

Speech Abstract: Economic Analysis and Policy is an Australian Economics Society (Queensland branch) journal which has been published by Elsevier since 2014. In 2020 it marked 50 years of its existence. EAP has a global authorship and readership with more than 200,000 downloads of papers coming from Australia, China, United States and the UK alone during the last 5 years. EAP publishes articles from all branches of economics with a particular focus on research, theoretical and applied, which has strong policy relevance. The journal also publishes survey articles and empirical replications on key policy issues. EAP currently has an impact factor of 1.97 and a cite score of 3.6. It is currently raked 79th (135/661) under Economics and Econometrics journal category. EAP’s rankings are expected to grow in the coming year.



Symposium Program Summary

Cloud Conference (Tencent Meeting ID: 708 443 231, password: none, Please change your name as :”Name, Institution” after enter the meeting)

July 2nd, 2021



Chair: Chunjiao Yu, Hubei University


Opening Speech

Speaker: Prof. De Xiao, Vice-Principal of Hubei University, Dean of Business School, Hubei University


Conference introduction

Speaker: Prof. Shixiong Cheng, Vice-Dean of Business School, Hubei University


Keynote Speech

Prof. Paresh Kumar Narayan, Monash University


Keynote Speech

Prof. Clevo Wilson, Editor-in-Chief of Economic Analysis and Policy


Lunch and Break


Session 1:

Finance and Economic Development

Session 2:

Investment and Green development


End of Symposium

Session and presentation

Session: Friday, July 2 14:30-16:45

Session 1 (Tencent Meeting ID: 157528310; password: none)

Finance and Economic Development

Chair: Xiaohua Feng, Hubei University


Economic Policy Uncertainty and Stock Price Crash Risk of Commercial BanksEvidence from China

Presenter: Lin Zhang

Beijing Technology and Business University


Watershed Ecological Compensation, Fiscal Decentralization, and Integrated Environmental Performance: A Case Study of the Weihe River Basin in China

Presenter: Jie Zhang

Hohai University



How Energy Poverty Affects Resident Subjective Well-being? Empirical Evidence from Chinese Household Surveys

Presenter: Mingyan Deng

Southwest University


Analysis of Risk Contagion in European Banking Network

Presenter: Bing Chen

Shanghai Lixin University of Accounting and Finance


The Influence of a Green Credit Policy on the Transformation and Upgrading of Heavily Polluting Enterprises: A Diversification Perspective

Presenter: Yiwen Chen

Shanghai International Studies University


Medical Expenditure and Consumption

Presenter: Linlin Guo

Zhongnan University of Economics and Law


Research on the Impact of Carbon Emissions Trading Policy on the Development of Carbon Emission Reduction Investment and Financing in China

Presenter: Qianqian Guo

Huaqiao University


The Analysis of Online Complaint Platform’s Motivation Effect on Public Environmental Surveillance, Regression Discontinuity Design on CMEE’s 12369 Project in China

Presenter: Peng Xiao

Hubei University


Belt and Road” Initiative Narrowed the Export Gap between China's Areas? ——Based on Regression Discontinuity Design of Provinces along the Route

Presenter: Jiaxin Sun

Hubei University


Implications of bank competition, financial stability, and gender gap on access to finance: Empirical evidence from Sub-Saharan Africa.

Presenter: Bijoy Rakshit

Indian Institute of Technology Ropar


1. Working language of the Symposium is English.

2. All the participants are suggested to join the meeting via Tencent 10 minutes prior to the event. 

3. Each presenter has 12 minutes in presentation and each discussant has 3 minutes in discussion with slides.

Session: Friday, July 2 14:30-16:45

Session 2 (Tencent Meeting ID: 634104964; password: none)

Investment and Green Development

Chair: Heng Zeng, Hubei University


Climate change and poverty risk for rural populationsEvidence from Chinese county-level data

Presenter: Litao Feng

Wuhan University



Does Outward Foreign Direct Investment Promote Enterprises' Green Innovation? A Perspective of Environmental Regulation in Host Countries

Presenter: Yujie Zeng

Hefei University of Technology



The impact of income inequality on subjective environmental pollution: Individual evidence from China

Presenter: Baoxi Li

Hubei University



Internal Return Migration, Educational Investment in Children and Intergenerational Mobility in China

Presenter: Qi Deng

Hubei University


Resource Opportunity in Chinese Market Transition: Time Factor in Urban Housing Inequality

Presenter: Hu Deqin

Shanghai Academy of Social Science


Environmental Regulation and OFDI: Evidence from Chinese Listed Firms

Presenter: Zhihui Zhao

Wuhan University


Sentiment Analysis of Twitter activities after China’s Medical aid in Italy

Presenter: Wan Liu

Hubei University


The Impact of Financial Clustering on Cross-border Trade RMB Settlement

Presenter: Xiao Ling

Hubei University


COVID -19 and China’s foreign direct investment inflow——Stress tests based on an extreme gradient boosting model and policy implications

Presenter: Yuzhe Li

City University of Hong Kong


1. Working language of the Symposium is English.

2. All the participants are suggested to join the meeting via Tencent 10 minutes prior to the event. 

3. Each presenter has 12 minutes in presentation and each discussant has 3 minutes in discussion with slides.

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