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刘和旺 教授
作者: 时间:2020-11-02 点击数:

中文版 / English Version





Email: hewliu@126.com


学科方向: 理论经济学-西方经济学




刘和旺,男,汉族,安徽安庆人。2002年、2006年在浙江大学、武汉大学先后获得历史学硕士学位和理论经济学博士学位,2007-2009年在中国人民大学经济学院理论经济学博士流动站工作。主要研究领域是新制度经济学、产业经济学和劳动经济学。承担本科生《西方经济学》、《产业组织理论》和《劳动经济学》等课程教学;承担硕士研究生《产业组织理论》的教学。系湖北大学优秀教师(2018-2020年度),主持国家社科基金项目、教育部及省级教研项目 6 项,在重要期刊发表学术论文 32篇,出版专著 1 部,译著18万字。国家社科基金项目成果通讯鉴定专家,湖北经济学会常务理事,兼任《经济学(季刊)》和《湖北大学校报(哲社版)》等期刊匿名审稿人。


[1] 刘和旺、刘博涛、 郑世林. 环境规制与产业转型升级:基于"十一五"减排政策的DID检验,《中国软科学》2019年第5期。

[2] 刘和旺、 张双. 清洁生产政策对我国企业转型升级的影响,《 湖北大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》,2019年第6期。

[3] 刘和旺、向昌勇、 郑世林,"波特假说"何以成立:来自中国的证据,《经济社会体制比较》, 2018年第1期。

[4] 刘和旺、郑世林,环境规制对企业全要素生产率的影响机制研究,《科研管理》,20165期。

[5] 刘和旺、郑世林等,所有制类型、技术创新与企业绩效,《中国软科学》,2015年第3期。

[6] 刘和旺、郑世林,高技术产业化专项投资的就业效应研究,《中国软科学》,2013年第8期。

[7] 郑世林、刘和旺,政府推动高技术产业化投资效果的实证分析,《数量经济技术经济研究》,2013年第7期。

[8] 刘和旺、王宇锋,市场化进程中政治资本的收益是增加还是减少,《经济学季刊》,2010年第4期。

[9] 刘和旺,诺思制度变迁的路径依赖理论新发展,《经济评论》,2006年第2期。







Name: Liu Hewang

Professional Title: Professor

Degree:  Doctoral Degree

Supervisor QualificationDoctoral Master and Professional Master

Email: hewliu@126.com


Discipline (First-Class Disciplinary-Secondary discipline)Theoretical economics-western economics

Courses Western Economics, Industrial Organization Theory, Labor Economics 

Area of Interest New Institutional Economics, Industrial Economics and Labor Economics



Liu Hewang, male, Han nationality, from Anqing, Anhui. In 2002 and 2006, he obtained a master's degree in history and a doctorate in theoretical economics from Zhejiang University and Wuhan University. From 2007 to 2009, he worked in the mobile station of theoretical economics in the School of Economics of Renmin University of China. The main research areas are new institutional economics, industrial economics and labor economics. To undertake the teaching of "Western Economics", "Industrial Organization Theory" and "Labor Economics" for undergraduates; to undertake the teaching of "Industrial Organization Theory" for graduate students. He is an outstanding teacher of Hubei University (2018-2020), presided over 6 National Social Science Fund projects, Ministry of Education and provincial-level teaching and research projects, published 32 academic papers in important journals, published 1 monograph, and translated 180,000 words. Expert in communication appraisal of the results of the National Social Science Fund Project, executive director of the Hubei Economic Association, and concurrently an anonymous reviewer for journals such as "Economics (Quarterly)" and "Hubei University Journal (Philosophy and Social Edition)".



Publication, monograph, awards and etc.

[1] Liu Hewang, Liu Botao, Zheng Shilin. Environmental Regulation and Industrial Transformation and Upgrading: DID Inspection Based on the "Eleventh Five-Year" Emission Reduction Policy, China Soft Science, 2019(5).

[2] Liu Hewang, Zhang Shuang. The Impact of Cleaner Production Policies on the Transformation and Upgrading of Chinese Enterprises, "Journal of Hubei University (Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition)",2019(6).

[3] Liu Hewang, Xiang Changyong, Zheng Shilin, Why is the "Porter Hypothesis" Established: Evidence from China, "Comparison of Economic and Social Systems", 2018(1).

[4] Liu Hewang, Zheng Shilin, Research on the Impact Mechanism of Environmental Regulation on Enterprise Total Factor Productivity, "Scientific Research Management", 2016(5).

[5] Liu Hewang, Zheng Shilin, etc., Ownership Type, Technological Innovation and Enterprise Performance, "China Soft Science",  2015(3).

[6] Liu Hewang, Zheng Shilin, Research on the Employment Effect of Special Investment in High-tech Industrialization, "China Soft Science",  2013(8).

[7] Zheng Shilin and Liu Hewang, An Empirical Analysis of the Investment Effect of the Government in Promoting High-Tech Industrialization, "Quantitative Economics and Technical Economics Research", 2013(7).

[8] Liu Hewang and Wang Yufeng, Does the income of political capital increase or decrease in the process of marketization, "The Quarterly of Economics", 2010(4).

[9] Liu Hewang, The Path of North's Institutional Change Depends on the New Development of Theory, Economic Review,  2006(2).

Research Project

[1] “Re-study of Capital and Its Manuscript”, A major research project of the Ministry of Education,(2012)

[2] “Research on the Impact of Regional Development Differences on Enterprise Technological Innovation and Performance in my country”, National Social Science Fund,(2012)

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