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陈汉林 教授
作者: 时间:2020-11-02 点击数:

中文版 / English Version








Email: luckhl@hubu.edu.cn


学科方向:(一级学科-二级学科) 理论经济学-世界经济学









[1] 中国对“一带一路”沿线国家直接投资贸易效应的实证,《统计与决策》2020年第3期。(CSSCI来源期刊)

[2] 中国对“一带一路”沿线国家投资的产业结构升级效应研究,《经济问题探索》2019年第8.(CSSCI来源期刊)

[3] 美国“再工业化”对中国制造业发展的挑战及对策,《经济学家》,2016年第12期。(CSSCI来源期刊)

[4] 湖北省经济增长对碳排放量影响的环境库兹涅茨曲线分析,《湖北社会科学》2013年第2期。CSSCI来源期刊)

[5]  FDI对中国汽车工业的技术溢出问题研究,《湖北大学学报》(哲学社会科学版)2011年第4期。CSSCI来源期刊)

[6] 美国对华反倾销出口转移效应的实证分析,《世界经济研究》,2010年第10期。(CSSCI来源期刊,并被中国人民大学书报资料中心复印报刊资料F52《国际贸易研究》2011年第2期全文转载)

[7] 五维结构企业国际竞争力理论模型分析,《经济管理》,2009年第10期CSSCI来源期刊)


[9] 美国对华反倾销的贸易转移效应分析及对策,《国际贸易》,2008年第9期CSSCI来源期刊)

[10] 中国-东盟自由贸易区下中国的静态贸易效应――基于引力模型的实证分析,《国际贸易问题》,2007年第5期。(CSSCI来源期刊)



[1] 主持2020年湖北省社科基金一般项目(后期资助)《建设武汉内陆自由贸易港的可行性及海关监管制度研究》。

[2] 主持2020年湖北省教育厅人文社科研究重大项目(湖北省社科基金前期资助项目)《武汉内陆自由贸易港建设发展问题研究》。

[3] 主持2020年湖北大学校级教研项目——《国际商务函电》课程双语精品课程教学建设项目。

[4] 主持2018年湖北省教育科学规划一般课题《美国高校创新创业教育体系的建设及其对湖北高校的启示》。

[5] 主持20175月湖北省发展战略与政策研究中心招标课题《美国高校创新创业教育体系建设及其对湖北高校创新创业教育的启示研究》。

[6] 主持2015年湖北省教育厅重点项目《中国物流业利用FDI的经济增长效应研究》。

[7] 主持2014年湖北省发改委招标课题《湖北省十三五全面提升开放型经济水平研究

[8] 主持2012年国家社会科学基金资助项目:《在华外商直接投资后向技术溢出问题研究》。

[9] 主持2011年度湖北省社会科学基金项目:《湖北省经济增长对环境的影响研究》。

[10] 主持2007年12月-2010年12月教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金项目:《贸易转移效应分析及我国对策研究》。

[11] 主持2007年9月-2008年12月武汉市社科基金项目:《基于国际产业转移的武汉制造业发展战略研究》。







Name: Hanlin CHEN

Professional Title: Professor

Degree:  Doctoral Degree

Supervisor QualificationDoctoral and Master

Email: luckhl@hubu.edu.cn

DepartmentInternational Economy and Trade

Discipline (First-Class Disciplinary-Secondary discipline):Theoretical Economics-World Economics

CoursesInternational trade theory and policy, international business(in English&Chinese), international marketing(in English),Communicating in international Business (in English&Chinese)

Area of Interest International trade, world economy, international business




Chen Hanlin, female, born in 1971, Han nationality, from Wuhan, Hubei. She graduated from Hubei University with a bachelor's degree in International Trade in 1993, graduated with a master's degree in World Economics from Hubei University in 2004, and graduated with a PhD in marketing from Zhongnan University of Economics and Law in 2009. Since entering Hubei University in 1993, she has devoted herself to the research of international trade, world economy and international business issues. She has been a visiting scholar at the University of Waterloo, Canada.She had been the deputy director of the department of International Economy and Trade and the chairmen of labor union in business school.And she had been also in charge of the Master of World Economics.She is a member of China World Economic Association, American Economic Association and other professional societies. She is also a director of Hubei Provincial World Economic Association, a core member of the first batch of scientific research and innovation team of Hubei University. Since teaching, she has authored 1 book, and participated in the editing of 4 books, textbooks and research reports. More than 100 academic papers have been published in core journals and newspapers ,such as "International Trade", "Economic Management", "Guangming Daily" Theory Edition, "Contemporary Asia Pacific", "World Economic Research",  "International Trade Issues" and various university journals.Seven of the English international conference papers were indexed by ISTP, 1 by EI, and 1 by ISSHP. She hosted 18 scientific research projects and the winner of the Excellent Undergraduate Teaching Quality Award of Hubei University and the outstanding teacher of Hubei University.


 Publication, monograph, awards and etc.

[1] An Empirical Study of China's Direct Investment and Trade Effects on Countries along the "One Belt and One Road", "Statistics and Decisions", Issue 3, 2020. (CSSCI source journal)

[2] Research on the industrial structure upgrading effect of China's investment in countries along the "Belt and Road", "Exploration of Economic Issues", Issue 8, 2019. (CSSCI source journal)

[3] Challenges and countermeasures of American "reindustrialization" to China's manufacturing development, The Economist, Issue 12, 2016. (CSSCI source journal)

[4] Environmental Kuznets Curve Analysis of the Impact of Economic Growth in Hubei Province on Carbon Emissions, "Hubei Social Sciences" 2013, Issue 2. (CSSCI source journal)

[5] Research on technology spillovers of FDI to China's automobile industry, "Journal of Hubei University" (Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition), Issue 4, 2011. (CSSCI source journal)

[6] An Empirical Analysis of the Effect of US Anti-dumping Exports on China, "World Economic Research", 2010, Issue 10. ( CSSCI source journal,It was reprinted by the full text of F52 "International Trade Research" in the second issue of 2011 by the Journal Information Center of Renmin University of China)

[7] Analysis of the theoretical model of the international competitiveness of five-dimensional structural enterprises, "Economic Management", Issue 10, 2009. (CSSCI source journal)

[8] Monograph "Research on International Competitiveness of Enterprises under Five-Dimensional Structure", Hubei People's Publishing House, first edition in August 2009.

[9] Analysis and countermeasures of the trade diversion effect of US anti-dumping against China, "International Trade", Issue 9, 2008. (CSSCI source journal)

[10] Chinas Static Trade Effect under the China-ASEAN Free Trade Area-Empirical Analysis Based on Gravity Model, "International Trade Issues", Issue 5, 2007. (CSSCI source journal)


Research Project

[1] 2020 Hubei Province Social Science Fund General Project (subsequent funding) "Research on the Feasibility of Building Wuhan Inland Free Trade Port and Customs Supervision System"

[2] 2020 Hubei Province Department of Education Humanities and Social Science Research Major Project (a project funded by the Hubei Provincial Social Science Fund in the early stage): "Research on the Construction and Development of Wuhan Inland Free Trade Port".

[3] 2020 Hubei University school-level teaching and research project:"Communicating in International Business " course bilingual quality course teaching construction project.

[4] 2018 Hubei Province Educational Science Planning General Project: "The Construction of Innovation and Entrepreneurship Education System in American Universities and Its Enlightenment to Hubei Universities"

[5] project of Hubei Province Development Strategy and Policy Research Center in May 2017:"Research on the Construction of Innovation and Entrepreneurship Education System in American Universities and Its Enlightenment to Hubei University Innovation and Entrepreneurship Education".

[6] 2015 Hubei Provincial Department of Education key project: "Research on the Economic Growth Effect of FDI in China's Logistics Industry".

[7] 2014 Hubei Provincial Development and Reform Commission's project: "Study on the Comprehensive Improvement of the Open Economy in Hubei Province during the 13th Five-Year Plan".

[8] 2012 National Social Science Fund project: "Research on Technology Spillover Issues after Foreign Direct Investment in China".

[9] 2011 Hubei Provincial Social Science Foundation Project: "Research on the Impact of Hubei Province Economic Growth on the Environment".

[10] Project of the Ministry of Education from December 2007 to December 2010: "Analysis of Trade Diversion Effects and Research on China's Countermeasures."

[11] Wuhan Social Science Fund project from September 2007 to December 2008: "Wuhan Manufacturing Development Strategy Research Based on International Industrial Transfer".


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