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程时雄 教授
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程时雄,男,湖北阳新人,经济学博士,博士研究生导师,开云(中国)国际经济与贸易系教授,副院长,理论经济学一级学科博士点负责人,《咨询与决策》杂志社法人代表、副主编,中宣部宣传思想文化青年英才、湖北省首批青年拔尖人才、荆楚百优宣传思想文化青年人才、湖北省优秀青年社科人才、湖北大学青年英才计划等计划入选者,弗吉尼亚理工大学经济系访问学者2019.9-2020.9复旦大学经济学院理论经济学流动站博士后(2017-2021),湖北省美国经济学会副会长兼秘书长,湖北省经济团体联合会副理事长,中国技术经济学会环境技术经济分会理事。目前主要从事能源与环境经济学、效率和生产率分析、对外直接投资、婚姻经济学等方面研究,已主持国家社科基金、国家自科基金等各类基金项目10余项,获教育部人文社科优秀成果奖、湖北省社会科学优秀成果奖等各项省部级奖励4在《管理世界》《世界经济》《数量经济技术经济研究》《China economic review》等刊物公开发表论文30余篇,并担任多个中英文期刊匿名审稿专家。






柳剑平、程时雄:《中国与世界主要国家(地区)的技术差距及影响因素研究》,人民出版社,20163 ISBN9787010158105

Shixiong Cheng, Qingbin Guo et al. Transnational corporations and Emerging marketsProceedings of International Conference on Transnational corporations and Emerging markets ,ISBN 978-0-9868210-7-3
























[1] Cheng Shixiong, Addis Amsalu K.,et al. Sustainable development efficiency and its influencing factors across BRICS and G7 countries: An empirical comparison  [J]. Frontiers in Energy Research , 2023, 11.

[2] Chen Guo, Cheng Shixiong(Corresponding Author), Gao Qizheng, Li Baoxi. How Dual Value Chain Embedding affects Energy Efficiency in China?[J]. Frontiers in Environmental Science, 2022, 1197.

[3] Li Baoxi, Hu Jiemei, Chen Guo, Xiao De, Cheng Shixiong  (Corresponding Author). The environmental effects of regional economic cooperation: Evidence from the Belt and Road Initiative[J]. Frontiers in Environmental Science. 2022, 1731.

[4] Xiao De, Li Baoxi, Li Qiang, An Lian, Cheng Shixiong (Corresponding Author), The effects of subway openings on air quality: evidence from China[J]. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 2021.

[5] Li, Baoxi, Cheng, Shixiong(Corresponding author) and Xiao, De. The impacts of environmental pollution and brain drain on income inequality[J]. China Economic Review, 2020, 62.

[6] Liu, Wei, Huang, Xuan, Cheng, Shixiong (Corresponding author) and Huang, Xiaoqi. Economic Policy Uncertainty, Regional Insurance Purchasing Behaviour and Income Impact Mechanism: Evidence from China[J]. China-an International Journal, 2020, 18(3): 182-198.

[7] Liu, Wei, Yu, Chunquan, Cheng, Shixiong(Corresponding author), Xu, Jingyi and Wu, Yuzhao. China's Carbon Emissions and Trading Pilot, Political Connection, and Innovation Input of Publicly Listed Private Firms[J]. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2020, 17(17).

[8] Xiao, De, Li, Baoxi and Cheng, Shixiong(Corresponding author). The effect of subway development on air pollution: Evidence from China[J]. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2020, 275.

[9] Cheng, Shixiong, Xie, Jiahui, Xiao, De and Zhang, Yun. Measuring the Environmental Efficiency and Technology Gap of PM2.5 in China's Ten City Groups: An Empirical Analysis Using the EBM Meta-Frontier Model[J]. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2019, 16(4).

[10] Cheng, Shixiong, Lu, Kai, Liu, Wei and Xiao, De. Efficiency and marginal abatement cost of PM2.5 in China: A parametric approach[J]. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2019, 235: 57-68.

[11] Liu, Jianping, Lu, Kai and Cheng, Shixiong(Corresponding author). International R&D Spillovers and Innovation Efficiency[J]. Sustainability, 2018, 10(11).

[12] Cheng, Shixiong, Liu, Wei and Lu, Kai. Economic Growth Effect and Optimal Carbon Emissions under China's Carbon Emissions Reduction Policy: A Time Substitution DEA Approach[J]. Sustainability, 2018, 10(5).




1. 2021年获批湖北省青年拔尖人才培养计划,经费30万元。

2. 2020年获批中宣部宣传思想文化青年英才培养计划,经费30万元。

3. 主持2019年国家自然科学基金项目:《雾霾治理约束下中国绿色经济增长研究:基于绿色技术创新视角(编号71904045)一项。

4. 主持2014年国家社会科学基金《中国与世界主要国家研发效率比较及影响因素研究》(编号14CJL041)一项。

5. 主持2018年中国博士后科学基金一等资助中国经济高质量发展的综合评价与路径选择,编号(2018M63038)》一项

6. 主持2014年湖北省社科基金《中国节能政策的经济增长效应和最优路径研究》编号(2014030)。

7. 主持2016年湖北省科技厅软科学项目《湖北省县(市、区)研发效率测度及影响因素分析》(编号2016ADC022)。

8. 主持2019年湖北省科技厅软科学项目《绿色技术创新对湖北经济高质量绿色发展的作用机制和政策支撑体系研究》(编号2019ADC040)。

9. 主持2021年度湖北省省级一流本科课程:国际贸易实务(线上线下混合式),线上课程网址http://www.uooconline.com/course/789835640



1. 研究成果《中国与世界主要国家(地区)研发效率:测度方法、国际比较及影响因素》,2022年获第十三届湖北省社科优秀成果奖等奖。(排名第一)

2. 研究成果中国工业行业节能减排经济增长效应的测度及影响因素分析》,2018年获第十一届湖北省社科优秀成果奖等奖。(排名第一)

3. 研究成果《中国与世界主要国家(地区)的技术差距及影响因素研究》,2020年获教育部人文社科优秀成果奖三等奖。(排名第二)

4. 研究成果《中国与世界主要国家(地区)的技术差距及影响因素研究》,2018年获第十一届湖北省社科优秀成果奖二等奖。(排名第二)


Main Information

Name: Shixiong Cheng

Professional Title: Professor

Degree:  Ph. D.

Supervisor QualificationPh. D. and Master


Departmentthe department of International Economics and Trade

Discipline (First-Class Disciplinary-Secondary discipline)

CoursesInternational trade practice (Undergraduate)

International trade theory (Graduate)

Area of InterestEnergy and Environment Economics (Climate Change),  Productivity and efficiency ; FDI and technology spillovers; Chinese Economy ;Marriage matching theory



Shixiong Cheng, male, is a professor at the department of International Economics and Trade of Hubei University from Wuhan , He is also a Post-doctoral researcher at school of economics at Fudan University and a visiting scholar at department of economic from Virginia Tech. He got an excellent young scholar reward in Hubei University .


Dr. Shixiong Cheng’s research focuses on R&D and productivity , energy economics, environmental economics ,marriage matching theory and FDI and technology spillovers.


He has been granted  financial support  for 10 research projects at ministerial or provincial level and published more than 30 CSSCI or SSCI papers .


Publication, monograph, awards and etc.


2016, Excellent Young Scholar ,Hubei University ,bonus RMB 180,000 yuan.

2013, The National Scholarship of Doctoral Candidate , Hubei University, bonus RMB 30,000 yuan.





Shixiong Cheng"R&D Efficiency between China and Major Countries(Regions):Measurement, International Comparisons and Influencing Factors”, Chinese People's Publishing House , July, 2020.

Jianping Liu , Shixiong Cheng"Research on technology gap and influencing

factors of China and major countries in the world",Chinese People's Publishing House , March, 2016.

Shixiong Cheng, Qingbin Guo et al. "Transnational corporations and Emerging markets"Proceedings of International Conference on Transnational corporations and Emerging markets ,ISBN 978-0-9868210-7-3.



 Li, Baoxi, Cheng, Shixiong(corresponding author) and Xiao, De. The impacts of environmental pollution and brain drain on income inequality[J]. China Economic Review, 2020, 62.

Liu, Wei, Huang, Xuan, Cheng, Shixiong (corresponding author) and Huang, Xiaoqi. Economic Policy Uncertainty, Regional Insurance Purchasing Behaviour and Income Impact Mechanism: Evidence from China[J]. China-an International Journal, 2020, 18(3): 182-198.

 Liu, Wei, Yu, Chunquan, Cheng, Shixiong(corresponding author), Xu, Jingyi and Wu, Yuzhao. China's Carbon Emissions and Trading Pilot, Political Connection, and Innovation Input of Publicly Listed Private Firms[J]. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2020, 17(17).

 Xiao, De, Li, Baoxi and Cheng, Shixiong(corresponding author). The effect of subway development on air pollution: Evidence from China[J]. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2020, 275.

Cheng, Shixiong, Xie, Jiahui, Xiao, De and Zhang, Yun. Measuring the Environmental Efficiency and Technology Gap of PM2.5 in China's Ten City Groups: An Empirical Analysis Using the EBM Meta-Frontier Model[J]. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2019, 16(4).

 Cheng, Shixiong, Lu, Kai, Liu, Wei and Xiao, De. Efficiency and marginal abatement cost of PM2.5 in China: A parametric approach[J]. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2019, 235: 57-68.

 Liu, Jianping, Lu, Kai and Cheng, Shixiong(corresponding author). International R&D Spillovers and Innovation Efficiency[J]. Sustainability, 2018, 10(11).

Cheng, Shixiong, Liu, Wei and Lu, Kai. Economic Growth Effect and Optimal Carbon Emissions under China's Carbon Emissions Reduction Policy: A Time Substitution DEA Approach[J]. Sustainability, 2018, 10(5).

Shixiong Cheng, Jianping LiuThe Study on China's energy conservation and emission reduction Growth Effects and Optimal CO2 Emissions of  China's industrial sector, The Journal of World Economy,2016.03.

Shixiong Cheng, Jianping LiuR&D production efficiency and influencing factors on Chinas Industrial Sector, The Journal of Quantitative & Technical Economics ,2014.12.

Jianping Liu ,Shixiong ChengThe two faces of social capital and the mechanism of the construction of national innovation system, Management World,2012.5.

Jian Lu ,Jianping LiuCheng ShixiongThe dynamic measure of technological gap between China and OECD major countries, The Journal of World Economy, 2014.11.

Shixiong Cheng, Jianping LiuGrowth Effects and Optimal Path for China's Energy-Saving Policy with Energy Constraints, Resource Science,2014.12.

Jianping LiuShixiong ChengThe technical spillover effect of China's R&D investment on productivity growthan empirical study based on the industrial sector (1993-2006), The Journal of Quantitative & Technical Economics ,2011.11.

Jianping LiuShixiong ChengThe driving force of China's economic growth and its international comparison, Haipai Economics,2013.6.

Jianping LiuShixiong ChengIndependent Research and Development Investment, International Technology Spillover, and TFP Growth-- based on China's high-tech industry (1996-2006), Academic Research,2011.1.

Jianping LiuShixiong Cheng,Intermediate product, transaction cost and strategic trade policy, Journal of Hubei University,2010.3.

Shixiong Cheng, Jianping LiuInternational R&D Rivalry, Capital Structure and Strategic Trade Policy, Science of Science and Management of science and Technology ,2009.9.


Selected Grants

National Natural Science Foundation, Research on China's Green Economic Growth under the Constraints of Air pollution Control: Based on the Perspective of Green Technology Innovation ,2019-2023, Funds: RMB200,000 yuan.

National Social Science Foundation,  R&D efficiency comparison and influencing factors of China and world's major countries, 2014-2017, Funds: RMB200,000 yuan.

China Postdoctoral Foundation, Comprehensive Evaluation and Path Selection of China's High-quality Economic Development,2018-2020, Funds:RMB 80,000 yuan.

Hubei Social Science Foundation, Growth Effects and Optimal Path for China's Energy-Saving Policy , 2014-2015, Funds:RMB 20,000 yuan.

Hubei Soft Science Project Foundation, Research on the Mechanism and Policy Support System of Green Technological Innovation on the High-quality Green Development of Hubei Economy ,2016-2017, Funds:RMB 30,000 yuan.

Hubei Soft Science Project Foundation, R&D efficiency measurement and comparison of cities in Hubei province ,2016-2017, Funds:RMB 30,000 yuan.

上一条:冯晓华 教授

下一条:Professor Chunjiao Yu

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