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毛泽春 教授
作者: 时间:2018-10-26 点击数:


中文版 / English Version








技术专长:Python编程、Monte Carlo模拟、量化投资策略回测




196411月出生,1983年本科毕业于黄石师范学院数学系,1987年研究生毕业于湘潭大学基础数学研究生班,2003年毕业山东大学概率论与数理统计专业获理学博士学位。2005-2006年度湖北大学优秀教师,2007-2009年度湖北大学优秀教师标兵,2009-2011年度湖北大学优秀教师标兵,2012-2014年度湖北大学优秀教师。2004年被聘为《Mathematical Review(美国数学评论)评论员(2004-2015)。















[1] The expectation and variance of dependent random sums using copulas. IMA Journal of Management Mathematics,  (2014) 25, 421–433

[2] 配备FGM Copulas二维随机向量之和的相依性,应用概率统计2014年第5期;

[3] 广义齐次Poisson过程的一个渐近性质及其在风险模型中的应用,湖北大学学报(自然版)2010年第3期;

[4] 随机组合风险的风险溢价,中国管理科学2009年第3期;

[5] 指数类混合型索赔次数的分布及其应用,应用概率统计2008年第1期;

[6] 索赔次数为复合Poisson-Geometric过程下破产概率的显式表达,中国管理科学2007年第5期;

[7] 一类指数-幂尾型分布的风险模型及破产概率的渐近性质,应用数学学报2006年第1期;

[8] 对偶效用下的保费原理与保险公司再保险需求,数量经济技术经济研究2005年第4期;

[9] 免赔额和NCD赔付条件下保险索赔次数的分布,中国管理科学2005年第5期;

[10] 索赔次数为Poisson-Geometric过程的风险模型及破产概率,应用数学学报2005年第3期;

[11] 用双广义线性模型预测未决赔款准备金,统计研究2005年第8期;

[12] 集合保单不同质性的度量指标 数理统计与管理2005年第4期;

[13] 浅析效用理论与保费计算原理,财经论丛2005年第2期;

[14] 一类索赔次数的回归模型及其在风险分级中的应用,应用概率统计2004年第4期;

[15] 随机凸序与投资组合的风险值 经济数学2004年第1期;

[16] 对偶效用理论在保险中的应用,山东大学学报(理学版)2003年第1期;

[17] 广义线性模型与保费点数计价系统,统计研究2002年第6期;

[18] 一种研究产业结构变化的方法,统计研究1996年第5期;

[19] 生产函数构成的树形图分析方法,经济数学1995年第1期;

[20] 非等距划分下样条函数的渐近展开,数学研究与评论1990年第4期;

[21] 非等距五次(03)缺插值样条函数余项的渐近展开,西南师范大学学报1989年第4期。


Main Information

Name: Mao Zechun

Professional Title: Professor

Degree: Doctor of Science

Supervisor QualificationSupervisor of master student

Email: maozechun@hubu.edu.cn


Discipline (First-Class Disciplinary-Secondary discipline)Mathematics, Finance

CoursesFinancial mathematics, Financial risk, Fixed income securities

Area of InterestFinancial text information mining, Securities investment strategy development



Born in November 1964, graduated from the Department of Mathematics of Huangshi Normal University in 1983, graduated from the Graduate Class of Basic Mathematics of Xiangtan University in 1987, and graduated from Shandong University in Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics in 2003 with a Doctor of Science. Excellent Teacher of Hubei University in 2005-2006, Excellent Teacher Pacesetter of Hubei University in 2007-2009, Excellent Teacher Pacesetter of Hubei University in 2009-2011, Excellent Teachers of Hubei University in 2012-2014. Reviewer of Mathematical Review (in 2004-2015).



[1] The expectation and variance of dependent random sums using copulas. IMA Journal of Management Mathematics (2014) 25,421–433.

[2] Dependence on sum of bivariate random vectors with FGM copulas, Chinese Journal of Applied Probability and Statistics, 2014(5).

[3] A property of generalized homogeneous Poisson process and the application in risk models, Journal of Hubei University (Natural Science), 2010(3).

[4] The premium of stochastic compound risk, Chinese Journal of Management Science, 2009(3).

[5] Mixed exponential dispersion distribution and their applications in insurance Claims, Chinese Journal of Applied Probability and Statistics, 2008(1).

[6] The Expression of ruin probability under claim numbers with compound Poisson-Geometric Process, Chinese Journal of Management Science, 2007(5).

[7] The asymptotical property of probability under the risk model with exponential-power tail distribution, ACTA MATHEMATICE APPLICATA SINICA, 2006(1).

[8] The premium principle under dual theory and reinsurance demand of insurance companiesThe Journal of Quantitative & Technical Economics, 2005(4).

[9] The distribution about numbers of claims on homogeneous policyholders under NCD System and stop loss insurance, Chinese Journal of Management Science, 2005(5).

[10] A risk model and ruin probability with compound Poisson-Geometric process, ACTA MATHEMATICE APPLICATA SINICA, 2005(3).

[11] Prediction of Incurred But Not Reported Claims Reserving(IBNR) with double generalized linear modelsStatistical Research2005(8).

[12] The measure of the heterogeneity of policyholders, JOURNAL OF APPLIED STATISTICS AND MANAGEMENT, 2005(4).

[13] A regression model based on double parameters Poisson distribution and its applications to risk classification, Chinese Journal of Applied Probability and Statistics, 2004(4).

[14] Stochastic convex order and portfolio VaR, Mathematics in Economics, 2004(1).

[15] The Applications of Dual Utility Theory in Insurance, Journal of Shandong University, 2003(1)

[16] Generalized linear model and premium counting system, Statistical Research2002(6).

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