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王鸾凤 教授
作者: 时间:2018-10-26 点击数:


















[1] 《制度与金融发展研究——以发展中国家为例》,湖北人民出版社,2009

[2] 《金融市场学》,清华大学出版社,2014

[3] 《金融发展、制度质量与农村贫困缓解——基于我国东中西部地区的经验研究》,《武汉大学学报》(哲学社会科学版),20156)。

[4] 《科技型企业的融资方式与绩效关系的实证》,《统计与决策》,201524)。

[5] 《艾丽斯.里夫林对公共经济学的贡献》,《经济学动态》,20158)。

[6] 《金融发展、制度安排与城镇化——基于中国三大区域面板资料的实证分析》,台湾《东亚论坛》,20149)。

[7] 《金融发展、制度安排与包容性增长的实证研究:以湖北省为例》,《湖北大学学报》(哲学社会科学版),20145)。

[8] 《新兴市场国家黄金储备偏少的原因及对策》,《财经科学》,201010)(人大复印资料2011年第3期转载)。

[9] 《农村金融扶贫的困境与对策——以湖北省为例》,《国家行政学院学报》,20126)。

[10] 《后危机时代越南金融改革的路径选择》,《东南亚纵横》,2011年(4)。



[1] 国家社科基金《制度视角下金融发展与社会公平问题研究》(11CJL036),20117-201412月。

[2] 教育部社科基金《制度视角下金融发展与减贫的理论和经验研究:以新兴市场国家为例》(10YJC790258),201012-201312月。

[3] 湖北省社科基金《金融发展、贫困缓解与包容性增长——基于1978-2011年湖北省的实证分析》,2012-2013年。

[4] 湖北省社科基金《基于制度视角的湖北省弱势金融体系的构建》,2009-2010年。

[5] 湖北省重大调研课题《湖北省推进新型城镇化建设的金融支持体系研究》,2014年。

[6] 湖北省重大调研课题基金项目:《着力解决湖北经济发展不平衡不充分问题的路径研究》,2018年。

[7] 武汉市人文社科基金《基于制度视角的武汉市农村金融服务深化研究》,2009-2010年。

[8] 中国博士后基金《制度、金融发展与社会公平:理论与中国的经验》,2010年。

[9] 湖北省教育厅教研项目《科研式教学法在金融市场学教学中的应用研究》,2013-2015年。

[10] 湖北省科技厅软科学项目《湖北省创新型企业融资困难的原因及对策的调查与实证研究:科技金融创新视角》(2011DEA018-2),20121-201212月。

[11] 湖北省教育厅哲学社会科学研究重大项目《推动大众创业和万众创新的金融支持研究:湖北视角》,2016-2018年。



[1] 《国际储备货币体系改革问题研究》系列论文,获得第八届湖北省社会优秀成果三等奖,排名第三。

[2] 论文《农村金融服务抑制的原因及对策——以武汉市为例》获得武汉市第十三次社会科学优秀成果三等奖,排名第二。

[3] 研究报告《推进科技金融创新 提升湖北科技实力》获得2012年度湖北省优秀调研成果三等奖,排名第二。

[4] 论文《农村金融扶贫的困境与对策——以湖北省为例》获得第一届湖北省高等学校人文社会科学研究优秀成果三等奖和武汉市第十四次社会科学优秀成果优秀奖,排名第一。








Professor Luanfeng Wang


Contact Information

Department of Finance

School of Business, Hubei University

368 Youyi Avenue,Wuchang District

Wuhan, Hubei Province, P.R. China

E-mail: phenix02@163.com




September,1997-June,2001: BA in Economics, Wuhan University, P.R. China

Septembe,2001-June,2004: MA in Law, Wuhan University, P. R. China

Septembe,2004-June,2007: Ph.D in Economics, Wuhan University, P. R. China

October,2010-January,2014: Post Doctor, Research Institute for Fiscal Science, Ministry of Finance, P.R.China


Work Experience

June, 2016-present: Professor, Finance Department, Business School of Hubei University, P. R. China

June, 2011-May, 2016: Associate Professor, Finance Department, Business School of Hubei University, P. R. China

July, 2007-May, 2011: Lecturer, Finance Department, Business School of Hubei University, P. R. China

October, 2010-January, 2014: Post Doctor, Research Institute for Fiscal Science, Ministry of Finance, P.R. China


Area of Interests

Financial Development, Development Economics, Financial Liberalization, New Institutional Economics, International Finance


Referred Publications


“The Study on Institutions and Financial Development: The Example for Developing Countries”. Hubei People’s Press, 2009.



1.     “The Study of Institutional Constraints and Innovation on China’s Sci-Tech Finance: Hubei Perspective”. The Seventh International Conference on Innovation and Management, December, 2010.

2.     “The Analysis on Institutional Reasons for Financing Difficulties of China’s Science-Technology SMEs”. The 2ndInternational Conference on E-Business and E-Government, ICEE 2011.

3.     “The Research on Institutional Constraints and Innovation of Sci-Tech Finance for Hubei Province”. Hubei People’s Press, December, 2010.

4.     “On the Institutional Perspective of Construction for Vulnerable Financial System in Hubei Province”. Hubei People’s Press, October, 2010.

5.     “The Comment on Relationship between Institutions and Financial Development”. Economic Perspectives, April, 2007.

6.     “To Promote the Development of Sci-Tech Finance through Institutional Innovation”. People’s Daily, 2011-3-30.

7.     “The Analysis on the Reasons for Low Gold Reserves in Emerging Market Countries”. Finance & Economics, October, 2010.

8.     “Path Selection for Vietnam’s Financial Reform after Crisis”. Around Southeast Asia, April, 2004.

9.     “On Institutional Analysis of Developing Countries’ Financial Development”.  Finance & Economics, April, 2009.

10.  “The Summary on the Research for Culture and Financial Development”. Finance and Trade Research, January, 2007.

11.   “Difficulties and Countermeasures of Poverty Alleviation of Rural Finance in China”. Journal of Chinese Academy of Governance, June, 2012.

12.  “The Reasons and Countermeasures of Rural Financial Suppression in China”. Journal of Chinese Academy of Governance, April, 2011.


Research Subjects

1.     “The Institutional Perspective of the Research on Financial Development and Social Justice: Theory and Empirical Analysis in Emerging Market Countries”. The Leading Researcher. National Social Science Foundation of China, July, 2011-July, 2014.

2.     “The Institutional Perspective of Theory and Empirical Analysis on Financial Development and Poverty Reduction: the Example of Emerging Market Countries”. The Leading Researcher. Humanities and Social Sciences Foundation of Ministry of Education of China, December, 2010- December, 2013.

3.     “Institutions, Financial Development and Social Justice: Theory and Experience of China”. The Leading Researcher. China Postdoctoral Science Foundation, July, 2011-July, 2012.

4.     “Financial Development, Poverty Alleviation and Inclusive Growth: the Experience of Hubei Province from 1978 to 2011”. The Leading Researcher. Hubei Social Science Foundation of China, December, 2012-December, 2013.

5.     “On the Institutional Perspective of Construction for Vulnerable Financial System in China Hubei Province”. The Leading Researcher. Hubei Social Science Foundation of China, December, 2009-December, 2010.

6.     “The Institutional Perspective of Research on Rural Financial Deepening in Wuhan City of China Hubei Province”. The Leading Researcher, Wuhan Social Science Foundation of China, July, 2009-July, 2010.

7.     “The Investigation and Empirical Analysis on the Reasons and Countermeasures for Financing Difficulties in China Hubei Province’s Innovational Enterprises from the Perspective of Sci-tech Finance”. The Leading Researcher. Soft Science Foundation of China Hubei Provincial Science & Technology Department, November, 2011-November, 2012.

8.     “Institutional Analysis of Developing Countries’ Financial Development”. The Leading Researcher. Social Foundation of China Hubei Provincial Department of Education, December, 2008-December, 2009.


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