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Master of Finance—the Chinese Government Silk Road Scholarship program
作者:admin 时间:2018-11-22 点击数:

Program Overview

The program is designed to give candidates a competitive advantage in a challenging local and global financial environment and dedicate to improve their professional competence and foster interdisciplinary talents.

Structure and subjects

Comprises core and elective courses; Core paper includes Corporate Finance, Investments, International Financial Management, Bank Management and Financial Services, Risk Management.

Research guidance

Undertake research projects in the “Belt and Road” regional finance related fields, such as regional monetary cooperation, the regional cooperation of financial supervision and the regional cooperation of financial infrastructure construction.

Key features

Learn in smaller classes.

Provide opportunities for candidates to focus on practical learning and apply knowledge and skills to real-life finance problems, often in group-based assignments and projects.

Emphasizes regional applicability, professional relevance and Belt and Road financial cooperation and development.


11 finance faculty members, 5 professors, and 3 associated professors.

Research interests include Quantitative Investment Techniques, Corporate Governance, Asset Pricing Models, International Finance, Bank Management, and Financial Development.


Once you become a student at the Hubei University, you can access programs, workshops and one-on-one support.

You will be given opportunities to network with employers and alumni.

Existing students primarily work at financial institutions, companies, and regulatory department with satisfying lives.



Enrolment Advertisement of The Chinese Government Silk Road Scholarship of Hubei University for Master Degree in Finance



The Chinese Government Silk Road Scholarship of Hubei Universityis open to all international students who intend to study for a full-time Mater Degree in Finance. The detailed application method is as follows.

一、招生类别/Enrolment type

硕士研究生/ Master students

二、申请人资格/Applicant Eligibility

1、申请人须为非中国籍公民,且身体健康;Applicants should be non-Chinese citizens with a valid passport and in good health.


Applicants should have bachelor’s degree and be under the age of 35 years old.

3、同一学习时间未获得中国各类政府、机构或企业的奖学金;Applicants are not sponsored by any other type of Chinese scholarship at the same time.

4、学习成绩优良;Good grades.

5、具有较强的科研能力;Good research ability.

6、原则上要求申请人具有相应的汉语水平。要求:汉语水平考试5级。Applicants who apply for teaching in Chinese should have the required Chinese language level of HSK5.

7、如入学时没达到规定汉语水平要求者可以先申请汉语补习一年。If applicants who apply for teaching in Chinese don’t have the required Chinese language level, one-year Chinese language study can be applied.

三、申请专业/Application Major



3-4年Three to four years

五、奖学金内容和标准/Scholarship Coverage and Criteria

1、免交学费/Full coverage on tuition.

2、提供免费校内住宿;Provide free dormitory rooms on campus.

3、提供奖学金生活费(人民币):硕士研究生:3000元/月;Provide living allowance of 3000 RMB.

4、提供中国政府奖学金来华留学生综合医疗保险。Provide comprehensive medical insurance.

5、往返国际旅费及其他旅费学生自理International travel expenses and other related expenses are NOT included.

六、申请材料/Application Documents

申请人必须如实填写和提交以下申请材料(均为一式两份)Applicants should fill in and submit the following application documents:

1、《中国政府奖学金申请表》(用中文或英文填写)Chinese Government Scholarship Application Form (fill in Chinese or English)

说明:在国家留学基金委的“来华留学网上报名系统”(网址:http://studyinchina.csc.edu.cn/#/register)进行网上填写和提交申请基本信息。提交信息后,请打印系统自动生成的中国政府奖学金申请表。没有进行网上报名的申请人,国家留学基金委将不予认可。)Applicants should fill in and submit online application on the website http://studyinchina.csc.edu.cn/#/register. And the printed edition of the online application form is also required. Applicants who don’t apply online are not eligible for the scholarship.

2、有效护照复印件;Valid passport copy.


Notarized highest diploma. Applicant who will graduate in June or July, study certificates are required. All certificates or diplomas issued in a third language should be translated into notarized Chinese or English edition.

4、学习成绩单。中英文以外文本需附经公证的中文或英文的译文;Notarized academic transcripts (in Chinese or English).

5、来华学习或研究计划。申请人可用中文或英文书写;A study plan or research proposal (in Chinese or English).

6、须提交两名教授或副教授的推荐信,用中文或英文书写;Two recommendation letters from professors or associate professors (in Chinese or English).

7、《外国人体格检查表》复印件(原件自行保存,可在留学基金委网站下载:http://www.csc.edu.cn)。须用英文填写。鉴于检查结果有效期为6个月,请申请人据此确定本人进行体检的时间。Physical Examination Record for Foreigner copy (it can be downloaded on thewww.csc.edu.cn,and the original is kept by applicants).It should be written in English. In view that the validity period is half a year, applicants can adjust the time of physical examination.


HSK transcript. If it is not obtained yet, application can also be submitted in advance.

七、申请程序/Admission Procedure


Loginhttp://studyinchina.csc.edu.cnand complete online registration and application. Institute code: 10512, application type: B.

2.将所有申请材料的电子版发送至ic@hubu.edu.cn,完成奖学金申请。All application documents should be emailed toic@hubu.edu.cnto complete the scholarship admission.


申请截止日期:6月10日 Application deadline: 10thJune

九、联系方式/Contact Information

湖北大学国际教育学院 International College, Hubei University

联系人Contact:胡晓燕Hu Xiaoyan,罗来Luo Lai,

电话Contact number:0086-027-88661140



地址:中国湖北省武汉市武昌区友谊大道368号湖北大学国际教育学院International College, Hubei University, 368 Youyi Dadao, Wuchang, Wuhan, Hubei, PR China.

留学中国网站:English Website:




Hubei University

June 6th, 2018

开云(中国)     地址:中国湖北省武汉市武昌区友谊大道368号 430062
